[ Wednesday 24th Sessions ] [ Thursdays Sessions ]
The list below is available as a Twitter List 'Drupal Sessions'. This article was collated by @pdjohnson - Head of development for @livelinkuk , a Drupal agency in Manchester.
Most DrupalCon London session presenters are on Twitter. Below is a list of Tuesdays sessions with links to the respective presenters Twitter accounts.
The Path to a Mobile Drupal: Techniques, Tools and Failure
John Albin Wilkins
Hollywood Storytelling and the Drupal Development Process
George DeMet
Living, Breathing, Drupal: The Biology of the Request
Kenny Silanskas
Meet the Drupal Association and DrupalCon
Jacob Redding
With One Click
Marcus Deglos
Why Royal Mail and UK Government Are Shifting towards Open Source and Drupal
Sam Lowe
Automated UI Testing with Selenium
Yuriy Gerasimov
Document-Oriented Storage
Damien Tournoud
Easy Drupal Hosting Lifecycle: Local Dev, Production Deploy, Cloud Scale, and Sleep Well.
Barry Jaspan
Product, Framework, or Platform? What They Mean, And Why You Should Care
Jeff Eaton
Web Typography & Drupal: Putting Arial Out To Pasture
Jason Pamental
Aegir-Based Business Models
Christopher Gervais
Data Migration into Drupal
Moshe Weitzman
Telenet: Adopting Drupal to Reduce Costs, Improve SEO and Flexibility
Andy Stynen
Responsive Content: Re-architecting the Basic Page, Render API, etc.
John Albin Wilkins
Making Drupal Documentation Modular, Reusable and Open Source
Kristof Van Tomme, Jennifer Hodgdon, Tamás Demeter-Haludka
This Code Stinks!
Larry Garfield
Doing Drupal Security Right
Gábor Hojtsy
Forensic Theming: Key Techniques to Building Effective Drupal Themes
Emma Jane Hogbin
Drupal Mergers, Acquisitions & Alliances
Ivo Radulovski, Robert Douglass, Frédéric Plais, Karen Borchert
How Do You Know that Gal Knows Drupal? Towards an Open Source Curriculum and a Community-Based Accreditation Scheme for Drupal
Dominik Lukes, Heather James
We invented the Web. 20 years later we got Drupal.
Cath Noble, Nicolas Bocquet
Hierarchical Permissions for Drupal 8 & (Node) Access Control
Károly Négyesi, Bálint Kléri, Ken Rickard
Scalability and Performance Options
Maxime Topolov, Mark J Brown, Nathan Goulding, David Stuart
Scaling the Drupal Community
Greg Dunlap, Angie Byron
Workbench: Managing Content Management
Ken Rickard, George DeMet
Entities - Emerging Patterns of Usage
Ronald Ashri
OXFAM + Drupal = Great
Matt Cheney, Joe Baker
Theming API
Rolf van de Krol
Bounty.com - Performance and Scalability
Jonathan Anthony
Search in Drupal 8 & Search Toolkit for Drupal 8
Thomas Seidl, Peter Wolanin, Chris Pliakas
Integration with External Services (APIs, web applications, mobile)
Kalle Varisvirta, Leon Tong
Bridging the Gap Between Desktop and Mobile Publishing with Drupal
Tom Deryckere
Why Drupal Projects Fail: Breaking Down Barriers to Successful Drupal Adoption
Chris Pliakas
The Rules Way of Life
Wolfgang Ziegler, Klaus Purer
Contributing Without Code
Mark Ferre [NA]
Take Full Control of Your Site Layout with Display Suite for Drupal 7
Kristof De Jaeger, Jan-yves Vanhaverbeke
Chorion: Migrating and Consolidating Localised Branded Web Sites With Drupal
David Redshaw [NA]
Randy Fay
Project Application Process Revisited
Greg Dunlap, Angie Byron
Managing Localized & Multi-site Environments
Alex Dergachev, Andy Stynen
Posted via email from Web, Social, Analytics, Open Source