Klout scores are all very well, but what do they actually mean? The truth is very little is known about how the score is derived. My Klout score seems to being going down all the time but in the real world I consider my Twitter presence to be growing in vlaue.
Whilst algorithms can give some measure of your Twitter following, you should be aware of who they are and where.
The who
Focus on attracting a few key players in your field than 100's of hangers on. Think quality, don't tweet too often, and always consider as you gain influencers, what they think of your posts.
It is better to have a smaller number of followers attracted to an account who are actively engaged, interested in your tweets, read them, RT them, and engage with you. Narrowing your tweets down to a subject, maybe running several accounts for different personas or subjects will pay dividends. By keeping to a topic, you will keep followers engaged and loyal.
By talking on a narrow subject you are increasing your chances of being listed by people on Twitter. This can be big factor in achieving a bigger audience, possibly more value that followership.
The where
Knowing the location of the bulk of your followers has relevancy to when you post messages. You can see most of mine are in the UK / USA. This poses a challenge since they are spread over wide time zones. Consider your audience, maybe use a tool like
Hootsuite.com to schedule Tweets to reach your followers overseas when you are asleep. Some people tweet the same message twice, once for their own time and a second for overseas. This can work well.
Why not try mapping your followers, find out more at http://tweepsmap.com/!pdjohnson
Posted via email from Web, Social, Analytics, Open Source