CFC Archive
Useful coldfusion cfc and script archive including internationalisation scripts, tinyurl cfc and various colfdusion query object manipulations.
Drupal, Open Source, Analytics, Social Media.
Useful coldfusion cfc and script archive including internationalisation scripts, tinyurl cfc and various colfdusion query object manipulations.
How to add RSS Autodiscovery to your site: "I sometimes see web sites or blogs that have RSS feeds, but fail to include the one line of HTML that enables RSS autodiscovery. Even some well known blogs such as 37 Signals - Signal Vs Noise omit the feature. Jason Kottke's blog has autodiscovery support on the main page, but not on his entry pages.
Digiweb are the best Coldfusion hosting company in New Zealand. They are a rare breed in the hosting world, they care about their clients and I can whole heartedly recommend them. They are pretty cheap too :)
Macromedia - Developer Center : The Real Estate Sample Application – Part 1: Building the Search Functionality: "With the release of Macromedia ColdFusion 7 and the arrival of Flash Forms, developers were presented with an alternative to HTML forms that offered them additional functionality, such as full-featured controls not available in HTML and built-in validation. That alone made Flash Forms appealing—and with the addition of pieces of ActionScript code, developers were able to create truly responsive forms. But because they were meant to be compatible with HTML forms, they still shared the same submit-refresh model. What if you could 'submit' the form and, without a page refresh, get feedback from the server?"
ColdFusion JavaScript includes (Piet Niederhausen): "As you work with ColdFusion you may encounter situations where you want to place content that is dynamically generated by a ColdFusion application on web pages that aren't on your ColdFusion server (static HTML files or web pages generated by other application servers). This page describes a simple technique for using JavaScript to include ColdFusion content in a non-ColdFusion web page as the page is loaded by the user's browser.
ServiceCapture: "ServiceCapture runs on your pc and captures all HTTP traffic sent from your browser or IDE. It is designed to help Rich Internet Application(RIA) developers in the debugging, analysis, and testing of their applications.