Friendly URL Servlet
Friendly URL Servlet: "The FriendlyURL Servlet is a pair of Java class files that allow you to create user friendly or search engine safe urls for any page in your site. You can use it to make multiple friendly urls that point to the same page, to hide url parameters from users, or to improve search engine compatibility.
There is no limit to the number of friendly urls you can create, so even if you have a huge number of dynamic pages, you should be able to use it.
This zip includes fu.cfc and index.cfm example file which you can use to test the system once you've set up the class files . Since I've been so busy over the last few months I've decided to release the full source of the Servlet under the Common Public License. This is about as non-restrictive a license as you're likely to find, so it shouldn't cause any issues for anyone wanting to use the Servlet in their applications. The only thing I ask is that if you modify or add to the servlet pass your changes and additions on to me if possible and I will make them available for everyone else to use. With full credit to the developer(s) responsible."
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